Dorijan Dlaka
Dorjan Dlaka was born on the 6th of November, 1997 in Skopje. He is a very talented boy singing, playing guitar, dancing and he has a talent for foreign languages: he speaks a prefect English, very good German and a basic Dutch.He started performing at the age of 7, on the festival Super Star as a chorister and as a dancer and continued as a solois.
Dorjan has participated in numerous festivals in FYR Macedonia and abroad. In 2008 he participated in the national final for the 2008 Junior Eurovision Song Contest and his song was awarded with the second price.
In 2010 he traveled to Belarus as a member of the FYR Macedonian delegation for the 2010 Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2010 as a dancer.
But singing is not his only passion. He is also model and participated in the FYR Macedonian Fashion Week at the Skopje Fair in 2005 and 2006 and many other fashion shows as a model. Dorjan is a very famous boy, he had many lead roles in numerous TV advertising commercials and his voice can be heard on the radio almost every day!