Vincenzo Cantiello
Born on the 25th of August, 2000, Vincenzo comes from a small town called Sant’Arpino, located near Naples. Ever since he was a kid, he showed a great interest and passion for music and started to perform in his local church choir.He won several important singing contests throughout Italy but the major turn in his career was his participation in “Ti lascio una Canzone”, the most popular kids’ talent show in the country, broadcast in prime time on Rai1.
Vincenzo describes himself as a very emotional person who always feels a lot passion when he performs.
He listens to every possible kind of music, finding inspiration and building his own personal style. He tries to spot hidden sounds and vibes as he listens to his favourite tunes over and over very loudly at home, often exhausting his parents!
He is extremely excited to represent Italy in the upcoming Junior Eurovision Song Contest, since he has always been a fan of the show, following it online.
In Malta, Vincenzo will sing “Tu primo grande amore” ("You are my very first love") which describes what a teen feels while experiencing love for the first time. It is a powerful ballad that combines the Italian musical tradition with a modern flair.
He cannot wait to be in Malta and to meet the other contestants coming from all over Europe!