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Petar Aničić

Petar Aničić was selected to represent Serbia with the song 'Heartbeat'. He was born in 2006 and started making music at the age of 4. He is a very ambitious boy as he has many interests and never stops learning. Besides making music, Petar also loves history and geography. He is fluent in English and is learning German and Spanish. He loves sports, but one day would like to become a lawyer or diplomat.

Facts about Petar Aničić EBU

What are the favourite lyrics in your song?

In my opinion, that is the most emotional part of the song:

Tell me, tell me: when we meet,

Is the wind left without sound...?

I can only hear a heartbeat,

Silent, as the world is spinning around

My favourite and most the powerful word in the song is Heartbeat because it describes love.

How and when did you start with music?

When I was 4 years old, I started playing the piano according to the "little piano school" program. My first teacher was my godmother Kristina.

Who are your idols?

My music idol is definitely Kesha.

How would you celebrate a Junior Eurovision victory?

I would celebrate victory with my family and friends.

How do you 'Move The World'?

I would enchant the world by love! Because then there would be no wars or hate among people.

This or That

This or That - Petar from Serbia EBU


  1. Praying - Kesha,
  2. This Nights Man - Cara Rose
  3. The Bones - Maren Morris&Hozier
  4. Issues - Julia Michaels
  5. This City - Sam Fischer,
  6. Father Daughter Dance - Kesha
  7. Hurricane - Wafia,
  8. I Like Me Better - Lauv
  9. Eastside - Halsey&Khalid
  10. Learn To Let Go - Kesha.

Music video

Lyrics of Heartbeat

Otkucaj (Heartbeat)

Da li, da li, da li kad se sretnemo
Pomisliš što i ja,
Kako se na nebu Sunce raširi,
Zemlja zaustavlja.

Zastane vreme,
Stane i sat,
Prekine vetar let,
Samo se čuje otkucaj tek,
Tiho dok se vrti svet.

I jasno da smo ti i ja
Jedan deo istog nemira.
Kako da ti pridjem,
Da zadržim dah.
Jasno da smo ti i ja -
Jedan deo istog svemira,
Mi smo kao zvezde,
Našeg tihog mjuzikla...

Da li, da li, da li kad se sretnemo
Prekine vetar let...

Samo se čuje otkucaj tek,
Tiho, dok se vrti svet.

I jasno da smo ti i ja
jedan deo istog nemira.
Kako da ti pridjem,
Da zadržim dah,
I jasno da smo ti i ja -
Jedan deo istog svemira,
Mi smo kao zvezde,
Našeg tihog mjuzikla...

Kao da se ljute,
Koraci zaćute
Trena ovog čarobnog.
Otkucaj se čuje
Srca mog i srca tvog.

I wonder if you hear it too,
Not a whisper am I letting through.
We’re single heartbeat
Life has torn in two.

I wonder if you feel it too,
But you hear it deep inside of you
Pounding out a rhythm
We are moving to.
Do you also think of the same thing
When we meet?
How the sky bathes in the sunlight
And the Earth stops spinning in a beat.

Time stands still,
Clocks stop ticking, too,
The wind is left without sound.
I can only hear a heartbeat,
Silent, as the world is spinning around…

It’s clear that the two of us
Are one piece of the same restless world.
How do I get closer to you,
Just to tell you that
It’s clear that the two of us –
Are one piece of the same universe?
You and I are the stars
Of this silent musical of ours.

Tell me, tell me: when we meet,
Is the wind left without sound…?
I can only hear a heartbeat,
Silent, as the world is spinning around.

And it’s clear that the two of us
Are one piece of the same restless world.
How do I get closer to you,
Just to tell you that
It’s clear that the two of us –
Are one piece of the same universe?
You and I are the stars
Of this silent musical of ours.

As if they were angry, sour,
Steps fall silent
In this magical hour.
I can only hear a heartbeat.
It’s my heart, and yours, that’s beating.

I wonder if you hear it too,
Not a whisper am I letting through.
We’re single heartbeat
Life has torn in two.

I wonder if you feel it too,
But you hear it deep inside of you
Pounding out a rhythm
We are moving to.