Liza Misnikova's second rehearsal of 'Pepelny (Ashen)' for Belarus
21 November 2019 at 12:38 CET
Belarusian Liza Misnikova on stage again in Poland with ‘Peplny (Ashen)’
Thomas Hanses
Belarussian participant Liza Misnikova has taken the stage in Gliwice-Silesia for the second time. She will perform 7th in the live show on Sunday 24 November.
Pepelny (Ashen) is about changes, about looking at the same thing from different angles. "Someone thinks that grey is boring, but someone with a smile responds that it is silver and ashen. I believe that everything in life can be viewed in different ways because everything depends on yourself. Sometimes it is enough to change a small thing and life gets brighter."
About Liza
Liza is 14 years old, born on 1 February 2005 in Minsk, and studies at the Minsk Gymnasium № 56. She has been studying music for five years, including vocal classes and choreography.