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FIA will represent Germany at Junior Eurovision in Nice

18 September 2023 at 18:20 CEST
NDR/Emma Wedemeyer Photo: NDR/Emma Wedemeyer
Germany has spoken! FIA from Berlin will head to the Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2023 in Nice, France with her song ‘Ohne Worte’ (which translates to: ‘Without Words’).

FIA was picked after winning a combination of online votes (via and expert jury votes worth 50% of the final score each. You can watch a short demo of the song on the website.

She beat competition from Adriano (14), Lenny (14), Rahel (13) and Toby (14).

Hearing the exciting news, FIA said: ‘I'm so looking forward to meeting all the children from other countries.’

The song will now be worked up with an official music video due to be released on Friday 13 October.

NDR/Emma Wedemeyer NDR/Emma Wedemeyer

FIA was born in Shanghai, and after the birth of her sister, the family moved back to Germany. They now live in Berlin with their two rabbits Simba and Puschel. 

If you ask FIA what her favourite hobby is, the first thing she says is ‘performing’; she sings and dances anytime and anywhere and is the entertainer in her family. 

NDR/Emma Wedemeyer NDR/Emma Wedemeyer

During her appearance on this year's season of The Voice Kids, FIA impressed audiences with her translation of the songs using sign language. She was inspired to do this by her little sister.

You can now stream the official #JESC2024 album and watch all 17 songs over on the official #JESC YouTube channel

Make sure to keep up to date with all the latest news and BTS action by following #JESC2024 on InstagramTikTok and Facebook, before Junior Eurovision returns LIVE from the Caja Mágica in Madrid, Spain, on Saturday 16 November.

You can watch the show live on the #JESC YouTube channel and don't forget to vote for your favourites over at JESC.TV when voting opens!