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2014 winner Vincenzo Cantiello tells RAI TV: the victory was a surprise

08 December 2014 at 11:08 CET

Vincenzo was a guest on the afternoon show 'La vita in diretta' hosted by Cristina Parodi on RAI1. He performed his winning ballad, 'Tu primo grande amore' and received a large round of applause from everyone, including his mother, who was present amongst the audience.

During his interview, Vincenzo was positive about his experience in Malta, telling Cristina that “The victory was a surprise and it has been a wonderful experience. Also the fact that I was together with the other artists, the different languages, I had to speak English… in fact I improved my English and got a good mark at school.”

Regarding  his school work (he is studying first year of 'liceo artistico,' the Italian artistic secondary school qualification), Vincenzo admitted that: “It is a bit complicated, because I had to leave for a while but stay up-to-date with my homework… but with a bit of effort I will get there. Although I had some absences, my marks are good.”

The presenter reminded her audience that Vincenzo did not go through to the final castings for 'Ti lascio una canzione' the first time he participated, but he continued to apply and due to his consistently good performances he was chosen to represent Italy in Malta.  

Vincenzo also received a message of support from Antonella Clerici, the host of this talent show: “I am happy for both you and your family: happy for you because I know singing is your big passion and for your family because I know they are encouraging you in the right way and they have always supported you. And if I think that it all started with me and our show 'Ti lascio una canzone,' I am even more happy, I feel a bit like your second mother. I will follow your career, now a bit from the distance.”

Just before Vincenzo got ready to perform, Cristina Parodi said, “I am sure you will make it to Sanremo with such a great voice.”  Could this be a sign of greater things to come?

You can watch the interview here and see his next appearance here too.