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Junior Journals: Pathway to Paris 🇫🇷 invited all 19 participants to keep a diary of their preparations for Paris. This journal will share some of their favourite moments as we approach the Contest 🇫🇷

22 November 2021 at 18:00 CET

Ike & Kaya recall recording... 🇲🇹

Ike & Kaya with Gillian and Owen

Ike & Kaya write:

27th October was the day when we recorded the final version of the song 'My Home’… we already loved they way it sounded but it was decided to make some small changes.

The changes now makes the our song sound complete. Together with our vocal coaches, Gillian Attard and Owen Leuellen, the recording session went really good.

The composer and recording engineer Cyprian Cassar did a great job in finalising an already amazing song. Matthew Mercieca and Owen Leuellen both of them authors of the song followed us throughout this whole journey, which it was an AMAZING experience for the two of us… Hope that all of you will enjoy the final product!