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Junior Journals: Pathway to Paris 🇫🇷 invited all 19 participants to keep a diary of their preparations for Paris. This journal will share some of their favourite moments as we approach the Contest 🇫🇷

Dajte Muzika contemplate their choices... 🇲🇰

The band writes:

In the middle of the preparations for season 3 of our show 'Dajte Muzika', our producer asked: 'would you like to participate at the Junior Eurovision Song Contest.'

We were all like WOW??! How come?!

BUT, we all liked the idea! Why not?! As actors who took part in 90 episodes of the show in 3 years, 3 music CDs, plenty of theatre shows – we were challenged to GO for it.

Then came the topic of the song. We came out with lots: love, friendship, children’s rights, life as life is … these all came and gone in the process of brain storming!

We all still remember the recent Amazon rainforest fires, bushfires in Australia, floods in Indonesia, hurricanes in US, typhoons in Philippines, the green snow in Antarctica – all caused by human negligence and climate changes.

All these natural disasters cause great sufferings to our planet Earth, and do you know what these are? Cries for help by Mother Nature. And why is that – because sadly, we all do not care enough.

Our planet needs us.

Just to make it clear: We cannot solve all problems, but each and every one of us, of you, CAN make a huge difference!

My friends and I in our new song assumed the roles of the 'Green Forces’ united in the name of LOVE FOR OUR PLANET! Let’s all do something!

GO Green Forces!