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Sandra says hello!

26 November 2020 at 08:30 CET
Sandra Gadelia from Georgia has recorded her performance for Junior Eurovision 2020 GPB
Sandra swoops in for Georgia as their Junior Eurovision Song Contest representative for 2020. We caught up with the impressive singer ahead of her performance of 'You Are Not Alone' and found out lots of new information about the artist including her top 3 songs right now and what her advice is for future JESC entrants! Read on to find out more!

The 10 year old artist who plans to Move The World with her love and music recently met up with us on a video call so she could share her story with you! Let's get to know Sandra from Georgia a little bit more before her performance on Sunday.

Tell me about your experience of participating in Ranina.

It was a really enjoyable experience. I made lots of new friends and met lots of new fans!

Outside of music what other hobbies do you have?

Dancing, playing piano and cycling.

If you couldn't be a singer or performer what would you like to do?

A dentist!

What is your favourite Georgian word?

სიყვარული / siq’varuli which means 'love' in English

What is your favourite word/s in English?

I like the phrase 'Oh my God!' because it can really express your emotions and everyone knows what you mean when you say it!

What is your favourite thing to do?

Sing and dance!

What is your top 3 songs right now?

I Was Here by Beyoncé, Bad Guy by Billie Eilish, and Mamma Knows Best by Jessie J.

If you had 24 hours with Jessie J what would you like to do?

I would be so happy! I would definitely sing with her!

If you could meet any other Junior Eurovision participant from the past who would it be and why?

I would love to meet Viki Gabor because she is my favourite singer!

You started singing when you were really young. Is anyone else in your family musical?

My Dad is actually a musician and he helps me a lot but my inspiration is my Mother!

How has your life changed in 2020?

It has been difficult for everyone but I must say that I do have more time for playing now which is really nice!

Before you go on stage do you have an rituals before you performing?

Nothing unusual!

Do you have a different personality onstage in comparison to who you are offstage?

Yes, I feel more free on stage so I think that makes me a little bit different.

What's happening here?

Sandra spills the details behind some of her Instagram photos!

This was in Russia and I was about 9 years old. I was really happy and was having fun being around these people on stilts!

Here I was in Greece on a holiday with my Mother! I was also there with my aunt.

I did a project about Frida Kahlo!

Sandra fills in the gaps!

We played a game where Sandra had to 'fill the gaps' in our sentences. Let's find out what she had to say!

The 3 words that best describe me are: funny, kind and hardworking.

The 3 words that best describe my song and performance are: love, world and sports.

You might not know that I am also good at: Playing piano, dancing, cycling.

But I wish I was good at: painting!

This year has been difficult for everyone, but 2020 has taught me that: I have to be careful!

JESC is so special for me: because it is such a great experience to have!

I am most looking forward to: hopefully winning!!

My advice for anyone wanting to participate in JESC in the future is: to work hard!

We have no doubt that Sandra is working very hard to make her country proud when she performs her song You Are Not Alone on Sunday 29 November. Will Sandra be Georgia's 4th Junior Eurovision winner? Tune in to find out!