Remember the 2004 Junior Eurovision Song Contest?
17 November 2012 at 22:00 CETThe second Junior Eurovision Song Contest was held on the 20th of November 2004 in the Norwegian town of Lillehammer, with 18 participating countries. The funny hosts were Stian Barsnes Simonsen & Nadia Hasnaoui. We would have further notice of Nadia, as she was one of the three hosts of the 2010 Eurovision Song Contest in Oslo.

The contest started again with the entry from Greece which send this time a group of junior rock, the Secret Band and the lively O Palios Mou Eaftos (My Old Self). It was followed by Malta and the Young Talent Team non-stop performance of Power Of A Song. Third was the girl duo from The Netherlands, Klaartje and Nicky, who whistled all the way trough Hij Is Een Kei (He's The Best).
Then came Switzerland's debut in the competition with the kid Demis Mirarchi who claimed he was a bit Birichino (Cheeky). Right after him, the home entry, Norway's @lek who danced to En Stjerne Skal Jeg Bli (I'm Gonna Be A Star). The third boy in a row was Thomas from France and the very French Si On Voulait Bien (If We Really Wanted To).
F.Y.R. Macedonia was among the favourites this year with the young Martina Siljanovska and her song Zabava (Party) while Poland produced another professional entry with the four girls from KWADro and their Łap Życie (Grab Life). A teenage sensation came from Cyprus in the shape of Marios Tofi's Dreams (Onira).
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Belarus was represented this year by Egor Volchek and a very energetic troup of dancers performing Spjavajtse So Mnoju (Sing With Me) followed by the sweet Croatian Nika Turković who performed so well her song Hej Mali (Hey Little Boy) that reached third place. After her Mārtiņš Tālbergs & C-Stones Juniors from Latvia danced non-stop to Balts Vai Melns (White Or Black).
The United Kingdom participated with the piano player Cory Spedding who sang a beautiful song of hope The Best Is Yet To Come and was rewarded with the second place. Denmark followed next with a refreshing hip-hop pop song Pigen Er Min (The Girl Is Mine) and the COOL KIDS who were very cool indeed. It was time then for a Spanish Fiesta on stage in Lillehammer: Maria Isabel and her four backing girls in Antes Muerta Que Sencilla (Rather Dead Than Simple) put everyone on their feet dancing and managed to win the competition.
Sweden's Limelights performed the beautiful latino-inspired ballad Varför Jag? (Why Me?) before the rocking boys of Free Spirits from Belgium filled the stage with the energy of Accroche-Toi (Hold On). Closing this year's parade of songs the already experienced boy performer from Romania, Noni Răzvan Ene, and his dramatic ballad Îţi Mulţumesc (Thank You).

Before the voting the Irish superstars Westlife performed in the interval act and when the points started coming it was clear that Maria Isabel from Spain had entertained the most all over Europe and won the second Junior Eurovision Song Contest. The winning song Antes Muerta Que Sencilla was a huge hit at home in Spain and then in several other markets, including France, Mexico, Brazil and Japan!