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Countdown to Tbilisi: Italy's Choice

03 November 2017 at 17:00 CET
Photo: Michela Zucchini
Maria Iside Fiore was born in Carrara in 2004 and lives in Sarzana, Liguria, where she attends the musical section of the local junior high school. She plays clarinet and sings in the school choir. She will represent Italy in the 2017 Junior Eurovision Song Contest with the song 'Scelgo' (My Choice).

When she was four, Maria Iside started dancing in the Danzabilmente group, which promotes the integration of disabilities through the dance. She is still an active member of the ensemble. 

In 2015 Maria Iside started singing solo thanks to her teacher and the following year she took part in several talent shows and contests at a local and national level.

In 2016 Maria Iside was a finalist of the junior section in the national contest Cantagiro. She also sang a cover of Anna Tatangelo’s Libera as part of a CD project raising awareness of violence against women. In 2017 she participated in Cantagiro again, qualifying for the Semi-Final and debuted as an actress in a production with the Marilontani theatre company. 

Get to know Maria Iside in just 60 seconds, watch the video below!

The song that Maria Iside Fiore will sing in Tbilisi is Scelgo (My Choice). It depicts a young girl’s dilemma about her future. Her choice is made: she will not bend to the fear of the unknown and the different: she will be open and freely express herself and her feelings. Watch the official video below!

Italy at Junior Eurovision 

Italy first entered the Junior Eurovision Song Contest in 2014, winning with its first ever entry. Vincenzo Cantiello took the trophy home for his song Tu primo grande amore. Twins Chiara and Martina Scarpari flew the Italian flag the following year and in 2016 Fiamma Boccia finished third with her song Cara Mamma.