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Backstage at Junior Eurovision

07 December 2016 at 08:30 CET
Hoverboards from Belarus Photo: Andres Putting (EBU)
The Junior Eurovision Song Contest is first and foremost a television show and most of the action takes place on the stage. However behind the scenes is also a hive of activity and excitement. Take a sneak peak backstage at Junior Eurovision!

So much of the activity during the event week of Junior Eurovision takes place backstage. Before the artists have even stepped onto the stage to rehearse they meet the technical team for in-ear monitoring and check that the sound levels are right for their respective performances. There's also hair and make-up consultations with the stylists and of course the all-important choreography rehearsals.

After each act has performed they then meet with the production team and watch their performance back in the viewing room. Delegations give feedback on camera angles, special effects and the general look and feel of the performance. The director makes the necessary adjustments and the process is repeated in the second round of rehearsals. This routine ensures that each performance is staged in the best possible way during the live show. 

Backstage is also where performers relax and get to know each other. Check out our video which shows George from Cyprus teaching Kisses from the Netherlands Greek whilst they teach him Dutch. Zena from Ireland performed a chorus of her song along with a group of Maltese school children and Jedward introduce their dancers for their performance of their new single Hologram. 

During the week of rehearsals it's not just the performers who need time to perfect their routines, it's also a vital opportunity for the production crew to ensure that the show timings are correct and that the specific stage preparations for each song are smooth. We captured some backstage moments during the week, check out the photographs below.