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Champion Jael from Australia hits the stage in Minsk for the 1st time

20 November 2018 at 12:33 CET
Australia rehearsals Photo: Andres Putting
Jael performed as the second artist of the day. She sang her song 'Champion' a couple of times during the first rehearsal at the Minsk Arena for her participation in the 2018 Junior Eurovision Song Contest.

The 12-year-old Jael Wena from Melbourne, Australia has been singing and performing since she was four years old and after winning top awards 3 years running at the Fast Track Talent Showcase in her home country, she was selected for Junior Eurovision 2018.

READ MORE: Jael's participant profile.

Jael is positioned in the centre of the stage, as she belts out her power-ballad Champion that is all about believing in yourself. The Australian candidate has surely taken this year's slogan #LightUp to heart, in a silver glitter dress she shines bright on stage.

Jael definitely lives by the message of her song Champion. When we ask what kind of performer she is, she answers: "When I go on stage, I don't think about what everyone thinks of me. I just focus on the song, and make sure I have fun on stage."

Earlier today, Jael gave a quick tour in the delegation bubble, as she showed on Instagram:

The Australian participant will be the 12th to take to the stage on the 25th of November. The show will be broadcast live HERE.