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The week of... Alicja Rega from Poland

14 December 2017 at 08:00 CET
Second rehearsal 2017 of Alicja Rega from Poland Photo: Thomas Hanses
Alicja Rega represented Poland during the Junior Eurovision Song Contest with her song 'Mój Dom'. Today we look back at her week in Tbilisi.

Alicja studies at the Vogal Art Centre at Rzeszów and took part in many festivals and vocal contests in Poland and abroad before Junior Eurovision. Previously she won a TV programme called Mali Giganci (The Small Giants) in the category Best Voice. 

The most important things in life to Alicja are her family and music. She gets her inspiration from jazz and classical music, and relaxes by crossing forests and travelling off the beaten track. She also likes cycling, skating and snowboarding and loves animals, mostly cats. You can read more about her here

Alicja had the honour of performing second during the final on Sunday 26 November 2017. You can watch her performance in the video below.

After her first rehearsal caught up with Alicja and we treated her to some challenges: Would she rather go without her voice for a day or without her phone for a week? Check out the video below!

The song Alicja sung was Mój Dom (My Home) which was composed by Marek Kościkiewicz; a musician, vocalist, composer, songwriter and music producer. He was the founding member and leader of the Polish rock group De Mono. Marek was the author of the band’s greatest hits including Kochać inaczej (To love otherwise), Statki na niebie (The ships on the sky), Znów jesteś ze mną (You are with me, again) as well as Kamień i aksamit (The stone and the velvet).